Wednesday, May 07, 2008

退休十要 (303)

(1) 評估個人想退休的需要,並按此重新訂定要達到退休的目標優次
(2) 要最少一年一次計算個人總資產 (Net Worth)
要早早計劃如何動用 MPF
要預計一旦傷殘時的生活安排 (例如中風、交通意外)
(Investors Group, Retire Ready: Minding Your Money In Your 60s & Beyond, 1998.)

EPFR 6/5/2008 最新資料顯示,世界資金有 324 億美元從新流動走向。五月份資金正流向新興市場,估計中國市場多多少少有得益! Investors make big move out of Money Market Funds and into riskier assets

Investors pulled a whopping $32.4 billion out of Money Market Funds during the week leading up to the US Federal Reserve meeting on April 30. Some of that money found its way into funds geared to emerging markets equity, technology plays and high yield debt, but the bulk had yet to be redeployed going into May. Global, Japan, Pacific, Europe and US Equity Funds posted outflows for the final week of April, as did a majority of the major sector and bond fund groups.

昨天以 $136.3 再沽出剩下的中移動 (941) 套利,目前只保留了 1,000 股在手,作為對「市場感覺」的作用。中移動是大好股,我的理想當然是希望於 $100 ~ $110 可以再次大手買進,但可能要恆指見 20,000 21,000 才有機會。如恆指短線只見到 24,500 的話,我亦可能會於 $115 $120 左右増持些少,總之隨機應變。

A 股雖然只反彈到 3,900 便似乏力,但近日Α50中國基金 (2823) 成交量常在 10 大成交額榜上有名,似乎有大戶密密收貨。看來只要A 股回復正路,2823 前途無可限量!

今日上午恆指跌 553、國指跌 434,跌幅擴大,成交量有 558 億,似乎反覆向下走勢正在開始了!「先看淡、才看好 !」似乎說中了!

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