Thursday, June 12, 2008

聯儲局數據 (341)

美國聯儲局 (Federal Reserve) 經常發表數據,大鱷往往借勢炒高插低,例如上周五趁「美國 5 月就業數據」差勁即插低道指 400 點,牽連港股亦跌 1,000 點!如果我們亦想混水摸魚的話,那以下的一些經濟指標和發表數據日子便要特別留意一下,看看是否有大茶飯及「亦將有以利吾國乎?」

+ 發表數據日子,如有):
(1) Unemployment Report --- 1st Friday each month;
(2) Monthly Retail Sales --- Middle of month;
(3) GDP --- 3 announcements each quarter;
(4) Monthly Auto Sales --- 1st or 2nd day each month;
(5) Monthly New Home Sales;
(6) Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Production Price Index (PPI) --- Inflation gauge;
(7) Consumer Sentiment (Complied by University of Michigan) --- once a month;
(8) Leading Economic Indicators (LEI) --- monthly survey (meaning: if 3 consecutive monthly LEI change in the same direction, it implies a turning point in economy); it also includes 11 composite indicators;
(9) Jobless Claims (by US Labour Department) --- monthly basis.

5 未來發表數據的日子:
13/5 --- 美國 5 CPI
17/5 ---美國 5 PPI
24/5 ---


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